Tuesday, May 12, 2009


'They used to be thought of as crackpots.' (Sign reads - civilization is doomed due to overpopulation, pollution, misuse of energy and resources.)


  1. I guess civilization is doomed due to these problems. The pollution is so bad right now. If we don't help reduce it is going to get worse and will affect us tremendously because we breathe it. It is going to cause us health problems.

  2. I guess since the people that used to be seen as crackpots are actually making sense and stating facts.

  3. Over population comes with its negatives. Like we have more factories and other jobs that causes pollution and global warming is a huge problem and some people tried to warn us and we just pushed them away and “thought of them as crack pots”

  4. Our civilization is doomed due to many other problems not listed above.

  5. I think that those two people in the background think abuot the environment but since the man says that ít´s bad already they don´t care about the problem because they think, the man has always been a crackpot so why schuld he has improoved. But in fact this man is the only one to say the truth because it´s bad about our environment. But since there is a prejudice that environmentalists are kind of stupid, nobody listens to them anymore, eaven if they tell the truth. So I think the cartoonist wants to say that we should care about our environment but also not to have prejudices.

  6. It's right that civilization is doomed due to these problems. Well, I guess that overpopulation isn't a problem in Europe as the number of newborn babys decreases and there's even a demand to to get more babys. But in the Third World overpopulation is a real problem. There are not enough jobs and the people are very poor there. They often don't have enough to eat and a lot of children die of hunger. But not only in the Third World overpopulation is a big problem but also in countries like China and because of that there exists the law that you are allowed only to have one child.
    Well, I guess that everybody agrees that pollution is one of the biggest problems in our world. Let's just mention some consequences like ozone hole, the global warming, the acid rain nd the greenhouse effect. It would take too much time to talk about all the consequences in detail, but it's known that the ozone protects us from the ultraviolet rays and if there is a hole in the ozone the rays aren't shielded anymore.
    Of course, there exists also a misuse of energy and to protect our world it's important to advance solar and wind power instead dangerous nuclear power.

  7. The pollution and the CO2 emission are one of the biggest problems, but I think the most people don't care about this. It gives people who really drive by car for 100 meters. At a nice day they could drive there by bicycle or they walk.
    And when one person sais you shouldn't do that (driving with car for 100 meters) you would actually don't car about the saying of this one person, though it would be good.
    So I think as well that the civilization doomed to the problems we have.
