Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dude! What are you wearing!?!

Check your clothing labels. Go on... do it! Where were your cloths made? Chances are that the clothes we are wearing were produced by someone in a "less developed country" (LDSs) for a fraction of what it would cost to produce in Germany or in the USA. What are the cost and benefits of this? How do we "trade" with people who might only earn a few Euros/Dollars a week? Is such a system beneficial? For whom?


  1. yes it is better to get clothes for less it cost less for who ever buys the product and im sure it sucks for the people making the clothes.

  2. My shirt was made in Mexico. This benefits the clothing companies because they can produce much more clothes for a lower price. Also they pay the employees a lower wage. I guess it can also benefit us because we may get the clothes at a lower price.

  3. I think my shirt was made in California, it is produced in California and then exported to France, Canada, U.K, Germany etc.
    That's good for businesses of the last named countries. They can import the clothes for lower prices and sell them for higher prices.
    For the consumers it can also benefits us, 'cause these prices can be lower than the prices of the clothes, which are made in the consumers country.

  4. My t-shirts are from China, Bangladesh or Taiwan. The companies produce it in these countries as the production costs are very low there. The workers are paid very bad and often it isn't enough to nourish the whole family. We, the customers can benefit from cheap prizes, but in general, the working conditions aren't okay.

  5. My clothes are made in Indonesia, China, and Turkey. The costs to produce in those countries are lower than in our countries, and so it´s all in all cheaper to produce in those areas. But I think that the working conditions over there are fatal and so it´s a difficult desicion if we schould buy expensive home-made producs or those cheaper products. But I think it´s hard to find a t-shirt which is made in Germany. And many people just can´t buy those expensive clothes because they aren´t wealthy.

  6. My shirt was made here in the USA but my shorts were made in Vietnam. I would think that the shorts were cheaper than the shirt but actually the shorts were way more expensive then the shirt that was made here.

  7. My hoodie was made in Bangladesh. The people there probably get paid a not even a whole dollar to make it and then it gets exported to the US. I guess we trade some money or even food to the countries but it probably isn't enough for all the people in the family. I think this is very unfair for the other countries people, we should supply them with sufficient amounts of food and clothing if they are going to support us with our many different colored and styled clothes.
    I don't think I've ever had an american made shirt...whoa..
