Sunday, May 17, 2009

Homework 18/05/2009

How exactly do our choices of food purchases affect the food system?


  1. I think the origin of the food, like where the type of food comes from, affect the system. If we just ate hamburgers all the time and other american made food, we wouldn't have to import stuff to make chinese food or italian food, like bamboo or water chestnuts.

  2. When we trade with other countries for food it helps the food market globally. when we get food from our farms it helps pretty much only that country.

  3. We import many fruits from tropic countries. If we buy food from e.g. Africa, those people can´t eat these products anymore, because it´s more profitable for the farmers to sell the stuff to our countries. So the farmers get rich and the normal people suffer hunger.

  4. When we only buy food from the country we live, the food wouldn't be brought from another country to this country. So there wouldn't be so much CO2 emissionen as by the global transport and like Markus said the people from tropical countries wouldn't suffer hunger.
    And when we buy organic food, we would help the farmer, who make food without pesticides and with hard work.

  5. If we buy local food, we support the local farmers, know under which conditions the e.g. eggs were produced, and these things are always avivable. If we buy not local, the products have to be shipped for a long time and therefore be treated with aid. The organic food is very healthy and contntents much vitamins. But often we can´t get local organic food and so there is the question, what is the best way to get healthy and local food. food isn´t as healthy as organic food, because it is treated with pesticides. So the cunsumer is often in disunion, what products he should buy. The best way is to get local organic food, but that´s often hard.

  6. There's no question that organic food is healthier than non-organic food, but we have to know where it comes from. If you buy organic food from other countries, the product has probably been transported by airplanes and so that causes a lot of emissions which are bad for our environment. Otherwise, if we just buy local food, this will have bad consequences for the global market, especially in countries where the whole market depends on export. So i totally agree with brandon ice. She said that it would just help our country if we just bought locally.
